Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 6:31:00 PM
Opinions on the No. 1 Manga/Manhwa in Mangafox
The long opinions made by
CheckeredTongue at Mangafox's forums had my attention for quite a while (since this noon) and the moment I finished reading her discussion, I had to share my opinion too. As a drop-lister of HDTR, it still gives me the chills on how I dropped the no.1 manga of Mangafox (and it's a shoujo, of all the love).
People say Ida should just kick everyone's asses.
Hmmm. I'm not quite sure about that. I've been there, done that. I know that it's not always so easy to just resort to violence. True, if Ida kicked their asses they'd probably be scared of her, but Mimi, being her prideful "powerful" self, would go to her parents, whine and bitch, and then when Ida goes home, bam, a whole crapload of drama. No happy ending.
Ida needs to stick up for herself.
She does. She really does. But she's too ignorant right now to do that. She has no clue what the heck is going on, that Mimi can't touch her, who Naru really is, that Shinah knows who she is so at least she can be Yodah around him.. nothing. And when you know nothing, you can't do anything.
I read from a post by someone that Ida can't just automatically change. Er.... not sure about that. She was able to change quickly when she was younger. She defied Mimi when she was Yodah. Ah, true, she was Yodah, but Mimi knew she was Ida, so as Yodah she still might as well have been that geeky schoolgirl Ida.
Can't she change her looks?
Really... can't she? All she has to do is at least put her hair down and stop wearing glasses. My eyes would be so much happier if she did cause I really hate looking at her geeky image. Psh.. she might look like Yodah but like people keep repeating about her, she could just deny it. Because Ida does a whole lot of denying. Actually, just about everyone in this manga denies a whole lot of stuff. *sigh* Where is the honesty.. really. Have they never been taught the Six Pillars of Character in school? :(
She shouldn't have done that to Naru.
Baw. I don't really care much about that. Maybe I should, but....myeh. Like a few people pointed, everything goes down to her family. Not Naru, her family. Sure, she may love Naru but.. obviously she cares for her family more that she would listen to Mimi and dump him like that. Naru only complicates it. That secretary is probably gonna dig up dirt on Yodah and therefore lead right back to Ida and then.. what help has Naru done to help her? Not much, since he's the reason Mimi is so determined to ruin their lives. I don't know about you, but this story is more about "finding the courage to stand up and be yourself", as theatrical as that sounds, and not about being with the one you really love. So eh... yeah. I could care less about her relationship with Naru.
What is with that fugly guy?
Really, I don't get it. It provides no comedic relief for me, it only complicates things and it has nothing to do with this story whatsoever anyways! And she could just dump the bastard, cause he's not currently being punched and kicked by that guy. Ida confused me there, cause she obviously doesn't give a rat's ass about that guy, but she would stand up for him like that. Maybe that's just cause I would never do that for someone I don't care about, so I can't understand her reason for doing it. Or maybe I forgot what happened in those panels? Hmmm.. I might have to go check.
Shinah did tell Ida that she has nothing to worry about, right?
If I remember correctly he hugged her and told her he'll back her up and stuff? Aren't I right. Anyone, anyone?
Romance between Mimi and whoever.
Don't get it. So many little side stories here and there.. it makes it so more complex and makes it so longer... just don't get it.
People keep saying how unrealistic it would be for her problems to just dissolve. Well, if she keeps getting problems, then it's going to be unrealistic at all for any of her problems to go away, regardless of how it gets solved. Actually, if you want to be really realistic, a girl in her position probably would have sold herself into a brothel or just run away already. We see it all the time people. Not that far-fetched.
I'm rather surprised she was able to keep her identity for so long. All those secrets and lies.. gawd. I was never able to keep my double life a secret for long in the past. So maybe that's just me being jealous of her being able to have pulled it off for so long. ^___^;;;;;
Why doesn't Shinah blow the secret?
I don't know. I don't see why he shouldn't. Maybe cause since he's related to Mimi it might blow back on his family. Eh. dunno.
And my answer went like..
People say Ida should just kick everyone's asses.* I know right? She's very strong at the first part of the manhwa right? You're average fighting chick(as Hwang Mi Ri would label her main girl character) heroine but there will always be something that would stop her from doing so. For example, her parents right? As your average loving daughter, it's Ida's duty to protect her family in the outside world. I mean, look at how everybody treats her at school.
Ida needs to stick up for herself.* I agree that she does, but only at selected people. She can't stick up for herself in front of Mimi! Literally, she can but Mimi will probably go bitching at her parents again and Ida's family will be kicked out. Their lives will be miserable if that happened.
Can't she change her looks?* I'm not sure why she's keeping this nerdy look, I don't get it either. But there are some instances wherein she might get discovered as Yodah if she kept it down. There are other options too, like.. Wear it without the braid but still keep the pigtails. Or I don't know, maybe she likes it that way? XD
She shouldn't have done that to Naru.* Of course she should not have but as you've said, it'll all go down to her family. But didn't Shinah already said that it'll be alright? Though Ida did not get what Shinah meant by that, haha! What Ida needs is a bestfriend like Shinah who would help her with problems like this.
What is with that fugly guy?* If it's for entertainment then he's not making me laugh. It.. annoys me, haha!
Shinah did tell Ida that she has nothing to worry about, right?* Yes he did but Ida has no idea what he is talking about, since he pulled Ida into his to make her his slave/maid . I hope that Ida would come to realize what it means. :(
Romance between Mimi and whoever.* To tell you all the truth, I skipped the whole part about Mimi and this biker guy who claims her as his. Seriously, Mimi will always be Mimi.
Realistic/Unrealistic* People poeople, anything may happen today. This is a modern world. If women were sold for slavery in Egypt before, why would it not happen these days? Look at the powerful people right now. They can buy anything with their money. And about her problem.. Well I don't know, ask Mimi and she'll go bitching at us and probably ask her parents to make us eat dog food haha.
Why doesn't Shinah blow the secret?* Maybe he's waiting for the right time. Shinah knows how Mimi is too eager to get revenge on Naru, and now that Mimi knows who Yodah really is, he maybe counting the things Mimi is doing at Ida and if it's way too mean already, he'll step out and clear everything. Or maybe Shinah has other plans for him and Ida? :33
Should have made an essay about
He's Dedicated to Roses hoho~ My reply is very long, I can't believe that I wrote it all. 8D
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