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hold me
until you can
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Hey guise! My unreal name is Ruka, and I’m a 17 y/y college student of SPUQC under the course of BSIT. Basically yet obviously, my interests are anime, games, and cosplaying as everyone knows. So yeah, these are all the things that you should know. :)
![]() » Yujina » Vincent » Armi » Kenno » Sai » Azhrien » Leny |
![]() Walter Sullivan
So basically, I'm supposed to jot down notes about Vampire Knight to share it to my Cross Academy clan. But my hands are glued in my PS2 controller. It's pretty surprising how I have finally claimed my own PS2 when my brother had sell it last year for an Xbox360. Alexander gave me, or lend I suppose, his PS2 two weeks before. Since my other games had been gone with the PS2, he gave me some few of his CD's that includes Soul Calibur IV, Silent Hill 4:The Room, NBA Live(not that I would play that)and God of War: II. My eyes have been set to SCIV but Alex suggested me to try SH:4. I knew, from the start, that it was a really creepy game so I refused. He promised me that he'll stay right beside me. Oh and look, I'm playing today but guess what? He never showed up in any of my games. D: Man you, Alex.If you're asking what part I am right now, I'm with Eileen where they have to find Joseph. When I heard of the plot about SH4: The Room, it gave me chills. Firstly, it's not suspense. NOT- made of pure horror. It is so different from RE:4. The atmosphere is so serious and creepy especially the ghosts that Walter has killed. In case you don't know, Walter Sullivan is the main antagonist of the game. His story revolves around his misery and sufferings. When he was born, his parents immediately left him like bionic thieves at the night in this apartment room called 302. The apartment's superintendent found him the other day and took him to this orphanage called Wish House. I'm not sure if he was enjoying the life there, but as soon as he learned about his tragic birth, he presumed that his mother was the room itself, 302. He later joined The Order, an anti-religious group of demon chanters and has followed it's orders. In order to bring his 'mother' back to life, he must kill 21 people of the following that the leader(?) gave to him. As he kills people, he carve numbers on their body, seemingly like 01121, 02121 and something like that. The police has been tracking him down, and was captured in his later 20's. Not so long after taking captive, he committed suicide by daggering a soup spoon in his neck, causing blood loss. After his death, killings has been continued but the policemen were suspecting that it was a copycat. Sullivan's trademark was the heart-loss in their body and a professionally sewed operation in their chest. Joseph has been investigating about Walter Sullivan's case to the point that he dug up his grave and didn't find his corpse. Instead, he saw the carvings 12121 in it's coffin. What Joseph has observed, that probably policemen didn't notice, was that the 01121, 02121, 12121, etc. signs were meant to be like 01/21, 02/21, 12/21 meaning Sullivan has almost killed 12 people in order. Going back to the game, Eileen is supposed to be the 20th victim but was interrupted by Henry, the playable protagonist of the game. And Henry, is the 21st last and foremost victim. Anyhow, that's all that I know for now since I'm basically half of the game already. I need to play more I but the places and monsters gets creepier. Must I go on? *shudders* back to top? |
![]() What world?
I saw a random question in Youtube, it says if you had to fall on one world which would it be? The choices would be Resident Evil and Silent Hill. In case you/if you don't know what both choices are all about, let me give you a brief summary in each series.Resident Evil is an all-time favorite action/adventure survival horror game made by Shinji Mikami and licensed by Capcom. The game has been going on since 1996 with its original series, Resident Evil, to be played in Sony Playstation console. Since it was such a hit, they made a sequel namely Resident Evil 2(1998) and Resident Evil 3(1999). The forth series, Resident Evil:Code Veronica X, was released in 2000 developed by Sega DreamCast console. Later on, they have made an updated version of it called Veronica X in Playstation 2 and Nintendo Gamecube. In 2001, they made Resident Evil Gaiden for Gameboy color with new characters. There's really many more of them, including RE: Outbreak, RE: Zero, RE: Dead Aim, RE: Outbreak File #2, RE: 4. They're all not in order and not completed but those are the only games that I have laid my interest on. I'm still waiting for the release of RE: 5 in PS3 and XBOX360. Since we still don't have PS3, we might buy the XBOX360 version. Resident evil also has a tribute movie in 2002, made sequels until it reached part 3 at 2007. But there are trailers about Resident Evil: Degeneration, the first full-length CG animation based on RE: 2 since their characters are the main protagonists of the movie. Until then, I am still waiting for it. Silent Hill is another survival horror game licensed by Konami. The game already has 5 series since 1999 and is later going to release a new one called Silent Hill: Homecoming. Usually, it's the atmosphere that makes the game creepy and the monsters who suddenly appears behind you. Unlike Resident Evil, Silent Hill is more on real life settings. Later on they have made a movie based on Silent Hill 1 & 2 with an inch of 3. But since the characters are new, this makes the plot more evident. I guess that's all for my not-so-brief reviews on the games, and I'd like to answer Resident Evil at the question before. Resident Evil, has like, unlimited supply of bullets and all. I could also heal 25-80% of my life by using herbs. In Silent Hill, almost everything is limited. The weapons I use to kill monsters in SH, are long steels? A knife? Sure, there's a gun, but the bullets are very rare. The only cool thing that I have ever used, for all my life, is the chainsaw. So there, I've been typing for almost an hour. RFS? :) back to top? |
![]() Annoyed.
Wondering how I got another one of this million accounts that I have? Blogger won't let my old user name log in. I had the most amazing blog URL but then it all got crappy. Right now, I'm pretty annoyed. No wait, remove the pretty part. Just annoyed, since I still have my hang-over from our farewell party in Balay Sanlingan.Balay Sanlingan is my review center for this upcoming UPCAT in August. So yeah, as you have expected, I got hooked up in my summer class since my friends are there. Plus, I met few good friends from other school. They are so fun. Usually, when the topic gets boring they begin to speak actively and make the class noisy but hey, for a good cause. :) Right now, I'm waiting for some videos to load. Basically, parody videos are supposed to be annoying but Silent Hill 2: Noisy Hill of ilikewaxingowls changed my perception. I want to marry such a funny person like him. Rofl, not that I'm really serious about that. Anyhow, I'm hoping to get updated in this blog. Like the usual, I don't have the time to update some of my blogs 'cuz of boredom. I love updating my journal in deviantart. It's a user-friendly site for artists and such. So there. back to top? |