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hold me
until you can
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Hey guise! My unreal name is Ruka, and I’m a 17 y/y college student of SPUQC under the course of BSIT. Basically yet obviously, my interests are anime, games, and cosplaying as everyone knows. So yeah, these are all the things that you should know. :)
![]() » Yujina » Vincent » Armi » Kenno » Sai » Azhrien » Leny |
![]() Otaku Expo 2010
One word: Awesome
To start the day off, ate Tin and I arrived earlier than we've expected since I'm too excited to meet my fellow DOD group. Going up at the 5th floor to change, I got surprised when I saw that the Comfort Rooms are on renovation. And I mean, both comfort rooms! So we decided to go to the 4th floor instead. Inside, female cosplayers dominated the wash area. I also saw fellow DOD groupmate Sherry but she was too busy fixing her do and her friend's. I lined up to change my clothes. The fitting is perfect, but when everybody kept noticing my chest.. BOOM. I got very conscious in the whole convention. DD:
Actually, I did not mind it at first but then Ryan told me "Muka kang suman!". And the idiot I am, noticed this after they left. Basically, there are no comfort rooms in the 5th floor so I can't go down just to fix my bra piece.
Second, I don't want to go down there and bother other DOD groupmates. We were not that close yet anyway. So I chose to fix it whenever I have the chance. Although there is a possibility that 2-3 people might see me fixing my chest, I kept on. Haha! Plus, the other problem with my costume is the headdress. It kept deforming out of its place which is so annoying. I have to check my head and fix it everytime.
* Saw Loki and his seme. Loki disapproves of his seme's proposal to be my Sha. Dammmn.
* Walked around the 5th floor with DOD group. Met some cospie friends and my cosplay crush approached me. *faints*
* Had a fun "shoot" with Euphy, Romi-sama and a friend. Can't wait for the photos.
* Nostalgic appearances! People from the past started to appear like Kailee, ma Brian, etc.
* Finally saw Aldreen of AHC.
* Ate dinner at Yoshinoya with Ivan and Kirill, my new cosplay friends.
* A random guy picked on me. :(
* Had 2 pocky shots, nyom!
* Pocky sellers gave us boxes of Pocky stawberry/chocolate. We were happy at first but then noticed that the boxes were empty afterwards, haha!
* Changed into normal clothes by 8:00PM, arrived home at 9:30PM
Here are some photos of our DOD Group @ Otaku Expo(2nd Day) 2010:
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![]() File Fuction
Have you ever felt excited when you watch documentary films such as Imbestigador, XXX, Bitag, etc.. ? When a group of people investigates a case and the bad guys end up losing all they have stolen? If your answer is yes, then I am one of you. The only difference is, I am a victim. In this roller coaster case, who would have thought that I'd get myself involved with this? It started as a small case of a gadget being stolen from me. But in the end, I feel threatened. How does it go? Here's how it started.ONE. Be careful of what you wish for. Remember the day my PSP was gone? Via-Plurk, I swore to everybody that if I have to lose half of my blood for that certain person who stole my PSP to lose his arms, then so be it. Who would really think that it may come true all along? And no, the suspect is not yet found. We are still investigating on this case. After classes and eating at Mcdonalds, Liezl, Raymond and I immediately went to BC Websight(a computer shop in Farmers Cubao) to tell the owners about my case. At first, I told myself that they would not care. Because there is this sign there that says "Do not leave your valuables unattended. We are not liable for things that is lost." or something exactly like that. I was about to give up when Liezl pointed a camera that records all the journey of the players within the day. Truthfully, I was not favorable of the idea because sometimes, it is not very accurate.. CCTV pixels are very small, right? TWO. Keep a pint of hope in you. I gave up, 5 hours ago. Somehow, it's very clear to me that my PSP is gone. There is this case that the kid who stole my gadget might have sold it to someone else already. But I kept searching for more evidences and sources. And it's all thanks to my friends Liezl Ardo and Raymond Laresma to keep myself from fighting. If I were alone in this battle, I could have been dead already.. mentally or physically perhaps? THREE. Always be aware. You know why I can't help but to daze around comfortably? It's because I easily trust on people and things, but not my instincts since they end up failing most of the time. In my case, I really don't like "feelingeros"/"feelingeras". I have my own reasons for this, but if you get my point, then that's good. If you're going out, keep an eye on your belongings and if possible, do not bring valuable ones. But if you're the cautious one, then I would not elaborate more. UPDATE!! * The Farmer's (Cubao) security found the culprit behind this case! Believe it or not, it's a little kid in his 7's or 8's! But I suppose that you are all not surprised by this. Me? Come on! I grew up in this untechy-province. The only smugglers and bad guys you'd see in Bataan are the big guys and middle aged guys. Teenagers also, I assume. But a little kid? Well, maybe there are little kids doing the same thing that happened to me without getting caught but, come on. The moment I observed the CCTV's time at around 3:06PM (the time when the kid stole the PSP), I basically had goosebumps all over. My urge to cry was not on its limits yet, thank God. The ate in BC Websight kept on repeating the scene/act in slow motion and thankfully, yet again, my friends recognizes the face. So right now, the suspect is still in Farmer's basement. They told me that his grandfather will be handing over my PSP but if he does not appear by 9:00PM/10:00PM, then the securities will have no choice but to free the kid. Also, an opportunity for this kind of act to be repeated again on a different person. I can not allow that, but we have no choice. UPDATE! The time is almost up and the security guy texted me to call them for my decision. Okay, so what should I tell? Free the little kid? As if I have any other choice, right? But if they get free, the all of this will be for nothing. The kid and his company won't be showing their faces around anymore! back to top? |
![]() Comeback
My parents just came home from the US, how cool is that? I have tons of new stuffs too including clothes and make-up. My sister finally bought us a copy of Assassin's Creed II and Tekken 6. Too bad our connection sucks, I get lag-ish all the time. But the sad part of getting these new items is.. My PSP. Yes, my beloved PSP 3001. It's gone! No, something like getting stolen from my bag.It happened yesterday and I couldn't get myself to sleep peacefully because of the incident. Fuck the cursed klepto's. I really hope that they lost their arms or eyes. Yes, that would be even. The thing is, I did not tell my family yet. I don't plan to, really for some reason. Oh and I may not be able to post photos in my blog posts since we all left our USB connector in Bataan. 'Til next time. back to top? |
![]() Helloooo 2nd Sem/2010!
Today was rather interesting in some way that I'd love to talk to all of you about it. Before that, if you notice a typo-grapihcal error in this post, please tell me. Since I'm using Apple's very hard wireless keyboard, it's hard for me to type over words again. MORNING * My friends and I met, greeting each other warm hello's like we've been apart since forever! Gladly, we were dismissed earlier than expected in our first subject. * CS-Org period was the usual. Played PSP, talk to Zhel and Irish. Zhel's games were gone! :(((( * Free time! Walked a very long way to Brenzon PC shop to play Left 4 Dead 2. Unfortunately, the last PC(the one I'm seated at) did not have L4D2, leaving the cast to have 3 players only + 1 CPU. AFTERNOON * Made it in Multimedia class just in time before our prof came in! We were dismissed earlier too since they have a meeting. * Ate at Pizza Hut which costs us P879! First and last dine-in at the damn place, according to us. * RE time! The usual, boriiiing. * Time to go home! Used the elevator to go down. Irvin pressed the 5th floor button (we were at the 4th) and everyone got scared shitless. Including me, for no reason at all! =)))) These events seem so fast but really, today was really long. Or might be because I had so much fun with my college friends and missed them. Hm, maybe.
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![]() New Layout
I had the most coolest layout from the moment I started blogging and this crap suddenly made me change it. What a pain. It looks rather clean, but un-aligned. *points at the alignment of the blog info and blog posts* Oh well, have to bear with it.Blog Music: Deep in Your Heart - All the way. I've been thinking if I should put Golden Time Lover but both videos have very deep meanings. With that, I put DIYH since.. Okay, it's anime has only 13 episodes. Bear with it haha. Megavideo is being a pain. * The only words I curse are shit, motherfucker and ..do you say ass when you curse?
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* I get mood swings lately, this bothers me. As well as others (names not to mention) * Excited to go back to school for ass-forming time. |
Something is definitely up with my stomach. There's this funny feeling on it since morning. And yes, the toilet bowl was very handy. But I'm not alone in this battle, for our househelper ate Tin is experiencing the same thing. The culprit? A chocolate! And by this, I swear not to eat another chocolate bar or anything with chocolates. Seriously, my intestines have been flooded with too much chocolate at Christmas vacation. It's about time that I stop now.Besides this, I've been watching Jyuohsei and The Visions of Escaflowne to kill the time. Weeeell not really to kill the time. You see, the OST's of these animes have been circling in my mind lately. Almost every anime that I watch from start 'til the end have good music. If not, it's history. MAY CONTAIN POSSIBLE SPOILERS. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. ![]() Your reasons are very shallow, tch. You insolent mofu beast! Go to hell! Poor Zagi-sama.. I don't find you sexy at all, so go swing yourself to Chen or someone. ![]() Oh Nia, you're one of the most adorable female leads in the anime world. Your undying love for Simon will forever be marked by your courage and tenderness. As for Simon, he is lucky to have such a great woman like you. Even in your dying moment, you smiled the sorrow and happiness away. You will forever be remembered Nia! ♥ ![]() Good riddance you clingy slut, now go rot in hell. Your high-pitched voice should have killed Odin from the very start if you weren't a Second. You are not even strong, and incapable of taking care of yourself. ![]() Sugata should stick with the instruments, guitars for one. Oh and drop the dollfie dear. |
![]() Otaku: A Serious Issue
As I woke up this morning, a member from ACU PM'd me if I'm still active.Much to my dismay, I am not. But as far as I remember, I did not ask the permission to quit truly. Why? Because you can't quit in the damn group. A major rule once you enter in their 'community'. You also have to be an otaku. Really, but are they? Am I? Lately, the word otaku seems to be very much clear from the moment I learned the word. According to Wikipedia, Otaku(おたく) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga and video games. I may be one of those what you call Otaku which the Japanese's discriminate but my mind does not only revolve around anime, manga and video games. Has it ever occurred in your mind what an otaku is? What an otaku does? How an otaku lives? Before, I used to label myself as an otaku. It was a mainstream for Christ's sake! Even nowadays! But I don't just call myself something out of a whim. For some reason, being an otaku gives life to my boring days, before. When I was a kid, I had nothing else to do at home. Going out with friends and spending money were not an option. The only company I had were my brother's PS/PS2, my Gameboy/AD, and the PC. So the only choice I have is to entertain myself with these things. But as I go deeper and deeper in its whirlpool of lifeline, I find myself engulfed with these things that I couldn't live a normal life without it. Yes, it's true. Imagine myself from the moment I wake up 'til the time I go to bed. Somewhere in between, besides school, there is nothing to get myself busy with besides gaming. Or anime for the least. Oh and sleeping in the afternoon? Not in this body! Especially when our rooms in Bataan are built to be very, very, very (oh boy) bright. Just, imagine it. :))) But here's the thing, I get busy with my friends to kill the time. I go out alone for sightseeing. I eat with/out company whenever I feel doing it (and when I have money of course). I watch action/horror/adventure movies and I feel good about it. I run errands to minimize someone's chores. I read Bob Ong/Paolo Coehlo/Vladimir Nabokov's books. And it doesn't even have to do anything with the word otaku. My point is, I'm just happy being.. The girl who loves anime, games and manga. No need to call yourself an otaku. You might never know how people will take you as. Unless you can. ![]() PS: Konata Izumi is the perfect headline photo for this certain article/report! PPS: W-Well.. The topic is about otaku but the main idea is about 'being me'! PPPS: Just.. Don't mind me/it. |
![]() RMNDR: No Uta
DDFTD♀ Deep in Your Heart (TV Size) by Kōichi Dōmoto ♀ Golden Time Lover (TV Size) by Sukima Switch ♀ Blue Sky, True Sky (TV Size) by Aira Yuki ♀ Free and Dream (TV Size) by Suara ♀ Rock the LM.C (TV Size) by LM.C ♀ Oh My Juliet (TV Size) by LM.C ♀ Mercury Go! (TV Size) by Kana Ueda ♀ Sentimental Generation (TV Size) by Tokito Ami DL list as soon as I get back in Manila. Must watch Letter Bee and Pandora Hearts too. back to top? |
![]() First 2010 Post
Before anything else..AKEMASHITE OMODETOU MINNA-SAN! [ゴミ箱]∀`)っ゙ A HAPPY NEW YEAR.☆.。.:*・ Sadly, I have no photos to share for this entry. Since my laziness dragged me down in the table, literally. Our neighbors were really noisy as hell, and so as the cool fireworks outside. We watched colorful fireworks in the terrace for my wittol nephew to see. And to end things, that's all that happened. The rest is history. On the other hand.. Sorry for bringing this up K-Pop fans but is TVXQ really over now? Here's a link: TVXQ Has Officially Disbanded? But here's the thing, I'm 50% sure that it's just a glitch from Yahoo!Japan. Have to go now, must work on Popuri and the farm. Ja! ![]() |